【会員からの投稿】 英国学派研究・第2回国際シンポジウムのお知らせ
The English School of International Relations: its Impact on the East Asian and the Global IR Studies
◆Date: 9th (Saturday) March, 13:00-18:40
◆Location: Multi-purpose room 1 on 1F, SUZAKU Campus,
Ritsumeikan University
- 2-minute walking distance from Nijo Station (10minutes by train between Nijo and Kyoto Station)
- For more information,
see:(http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/eng/html/about/abo_08.html/) - ※ALL WELCOME
※There is no parking in the nearby area. Please access by public transportation
◇The host’s Opening Speech: 13:00-13:10
◇The First Session: 13:10-14:40
- Chair: Dr Josuke IKEDA (O.P. Jindal Global University, India)
- Presentation 1: “Martin Wight and the Whig Tradition of International Thought” / Dr Ian Hall (Australia National University, Australia)
- Discussants: Dr Makoto ONAKA (J.F. Oberlin University, Japan) and Dr Hiroaki ATAKA (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
◇The Second Session: 14:50-16:20
- Chair: Dr Josuke IKEDA (O.P. Jindal Global University, India)
- Presentation 2: “Balance of Relationship: A Confucian Route to an International Relations System” / Prof Chih-yu SHIH (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
- Discussants: Prof Kosuke SHIMIZU (Ryukoku University, Japan) and Dr Giorgiandrea Shani (International Christian University, Japan)
◇◇The Third Session: 16:40-18:10
- Chair: Prof Makoto SATO (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
- Titles of Presentations and Speakers:
“Japanese Scholars Meet the English School: International Relations and International Law in Step?” / Dr Shiro KOMATSU (Waseda University, Japan)
“International Society and World Society” / Dr Satoko KAWAMURA (Toyo University, Japan)
“The English School in Japanese International Relations” / Mr Kazuhiro TSUNODA (Meiji University, Japan) - Discussants: Dr Ian Hall and Prof Chih-yu SHIH
◆Host: The English School and Post-western IR Theory Research Project
- The Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research-KAKENHI, Scientific Research (C): 23530204 / “The English School of International Relations Theory and Post-Hegemony in International Order”
- For more information:
- Institute of International Relations and Area Studies (Ritsumeikan University):
Address: 56-1 Kitamachi, Tojiin, Kitaku, Kyoto, 603-8577 Japan /
Tel: +81-(0)75-465-8244 / Fax: +81-(0)75-465-8245
・This International Symposium is in corporation with “Institute for International Studies (J. F. Oberlin University)” and “International Relations Theory Research Project on the English School (Meiji University)”