オンラインセミナー「ウクライナにおけるインフラ破壊と環境に配慮した復興の現状: 現場からの報告と提言」開催(12月22日)のご案内
「ウクライナにおけるインフラ破壊と環境に配慮した復興の現状: 現場からの報告と提言」/
Online Seminar
“The State of Infrastructure Destruction and Environmentally Sound Reconstruction in Ukraine: A Report and Proposal from the Field”
当財団の長年の協力者である環境法研究所(Environmental Law Institute(ELI)、在米国・ワシントンDC)のカール・ブルック国際部長が、10月、ウクライナの首都キーウを訪問しました。ブルック博士は環境法の分野で国際的に著名であり、ウクライナ当局から、復興計画を策定する際に環境への配慮がどのようになされるべきかについて、専門家としての助言を求められました。
Online Seminar
“The State of Infrastructure Destruction and Environmentally Sound Reconstruction in Ukraine: A Report and Proposal from the Field”
Date and Time: Dec. 22 (Friday) from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. JST
Organized by Global Infrastructure Fund Research Foundation Japan (GIF Japan)
In October, Dr. Carl Bruch, International Director of the Environmental Law Institute (ELI, Washington, DC, USA), a long-time collaborator of GIF Japan, visited Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. Dr. Bruch will be the invited speakers at this seminar and will talk about his stay in Ukraine.
The Russian attack on Kyiv, was limited, but the infrastructure in the south and east of Ukraine was severely damaged. The war situation is at a standstill, but reconstruction must proceed anyway. Infrastructure reconstruction must be fast, but it must also take into account environmental impacts.
Dr. Bruch is internationally renowned in the field of environmental law and was asked by the Ukrainian authorities to provide expert advice on how environmental considerations should be addressed when developing a reconstruction plan.
Dr. Bruch will provide an update on the destruction of Ukraine’s infrastructure and the Ukrainian government’s specific recovery plan, based on discussions with Ukrainian authorities and partners. Through a discussion between Dr. Bruch and the moderator and a Q&A session with participants, we will also hear his views and explore methodologies on how to concretely achieve harmony between reconstruction and environmental protection.
We welcome the participation of anyone interested in the current situation in Ukraine, the destruction of infrastructure due to war, Ukraine’s reconstruction plans, participation in reconstruction projects, reconstruction and environmental considerations, etc. We would also be grateful if you could forward information to the relevant departments.
Admission: free of charge, open to all.
Simultaneous Japanese-English interpretation available.
Please register in advance below.
For more information on the seminar, including a profile of Dr Bruch, please refer to the URL below.