【会員からの投稿】 世界民主主義フォーラムのご案内


欧州評議会(*)による第2回「世界民主主義フォーラム(World Forum for Democracy)」が以下の概要で開催されます。世界的著名人の他、ヨーロッパ、南北アメリカ、アフリカ、オセアニアなどから多彩なラボが主催される見込みです。日本からの参加もお待ちしております。


・ホームページ: http://www.coe.int/en/web/world-forum-democracy/home

・担当:Ms. Irena GUIDIKOVA(英語/フランス語)
wfd_mail (★を@に置きかえてください)
+33 3 88 41 32 19

*欧州評議会(the Council of Europe)

The 2013 World Forum for Democracy “Rewiring democracy: connecting citizens and institutions in the digital age”

It will provide a platform for emerging leaders and grassroots initiatives that foster participation and re-connect citizens and democratic institutions. Participants from the world of politics, academia, civil society, business, media and social networks will critically review these innovative initiatives, assess their mainstreaming potential, inject new ideas into them, and identify the most promising ones for further promotion and dissemination. Participants, as well as the “global community” (via social networks and internet voting) will select the most promising initiatives, that will receive the Council of Europe recognition for
democratic innovation.
The Forum will work through a series of informal, creative labs, enabling a frank and intensive debate, in an “open source” format. The content of the Forum will be co-created by the Council of Europe and a wide range of partners – organisations, institutions, civic movements and groups – who wish to submit their ideas and practice to the Forum peer review.