

The Diet and the SDF: Oversight in Japan in Comparative Perspective

Stephen SAIDEMAN スティーブン・セイドマン
Paterson Chair in International Affairs, Carleton University / Abe Fellow (2015)
Keiro KITAGAMI 北神 圭朗
Member of the House of Representatives 衆議院議員
Narushige MICHISHITA 道下 徳成
Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) / Abe Fellow (2006)
政策研究大学院大学教授 / 安倍フェロー(2006年度)
Tuesday, January 17, 2017, from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Research Meeting Room 4A (4th floor), GRIPS
7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
政策研究大学院大学 研究会室4A(4階)
The seminar will be conducted in English. Admission is free.

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The Diet and the SDF: Oversight in Japan in Comparative Perspective

What role do legislatures play in overseeing the armed forces of democracies around the world? When we talk about democratic control of the military, in some countries that means both the executive and legislative branches, but in several, it really only means the executive. In the talk, Professor Saideman will explain why legislative oversight is important for civil-military relations, discuss the role of institutions, and look at the case of Japan. The seminar will draw on his current research as an Abe Fellow on “The Role of Parliamentarians Overseeing Armed Forces.” While he is still researching the issue, Saideman finds it strange that as Japan’s Self-Defense Forces become more important with increased regional threats, a less reliable United States under President-elect Trump, and new peace and security legislation, the Diet may become less relevant as Japan becomes increasingly similar to Canada. He will conclude with some questions and implications arising from his research.


Biographical Information

Stephen Saideman holds the Paterson Chair in International Affairs at Carleton University’s Norman Paterson School of International Affairs. He has written four books: The Ties That Divide: Ethnic Politics, Foreign Policy and International Conflict (2001); For Kin or Country: Xenophobia, Nationalism and War (with R. William Ayres, 2008); NATO in Afghanistan: Fighting Together, Fighting Alone (with David Auerswald, 2014); and now, Adapting in the Dust: Lessons Learned from Canada’s War in Afghanistan (2016), as well as articles and chapters on nationalism, ethnic conflict, civil war, and civil-military relations. A fellowship from the Council on Foreign Relations placed him on the US Joint Staff for a year. He is a 2015 Abe Fellow and is serving as a Visiting Fellow at the Air Staff College of Japan’s Air Self-Defense Force. He taught previously at the University of Vermont, Texas Tech University, and at McGill University. He writes online at OpenCanada.org, Political Violence at a Glance, Duck of Minerva and his own site (saideman.blogspot.com). He also tweets at @smsaideman. He has won two awards for teaching, one for mentoring other faculty and one for public engagement.

スティーブン・セイドマン:カールトン大学(カナダ)ノーマン・パターソン国際関係大学院教授。これまでに4つの著書(英文)がある。以下仮訳:『分かれる絆:民族的政治、対外政策と国際紛争』(2001年)、『親戚か国か:排外主義、ナショナリズムと戦争』(共著、2008年)、『アフガニスタンにおけるNATO』(共著、2014年)、『埃まみれの適応:カナダのアフガニスタン戦争の教訓』(2016年)。他にナショナリズム、民族紛争、内戦、政軍関係等について広く執筆する。外交問題評議会(Council on Foreign Relations)のフェローシップにより、アメリカ統合参謀本部での職務経験を持つ。本年より、安倍フェローシップにより航空自衛隊幹部学校に客員研究員として所属。これまでにバーモント大学、テキサス工科大学、マクギル大学にて教鞭を執っている。「OpenCanada.org」、「Political Violence at a Glance」、「Duck of Minerva」などのサイトと自身のブログ「saideman.blogspot.com」等に寄稿する。@smsaidemanからツイートしている。教職員への指導と市民参加で2つの教授賞を受賞。