Pacific International Politics Conference 報告者募集のお知らせ

第4回目の Pacific International Politics Conference が2019年7月5日・6日に台北で行われます。ペーパーが理論と検証部分からなり、それらがしっかりしていれば、理論がフォーマルである必要もありませんし、検証が計量である必要もありません。1つのパネルが2つか3つの論文報告からなり、1つの報告の持ち時間は30分です。10分の報告に対して、フロア全体との質疑応答が20分です(Peace Science Society International と同じ形式です)。これ以外にポスター発表もあり、それぞれのポスターに討論者も付けます。2日間の昼食、初日のレセプションの間も積極的に研究者間の議論が交わされています。過去の会合の様子は、ウェブサイトでプログラムを確認してください。皆様の積極的な参加をお待ちしております。


【Call for Papers】The 2019 Pacific International Politics Conference

After the notable success of the third annual conference in Hong Kong, China, the organizers would like to announce the fourth Pacific International Politics Conference (PIPC) has been scheduled for Taipei, Taiwan, 5-6 July 2019.

The fourth Pacific International Politics Conference (PIPC) will be held in Taipei, 5-6 July 2019. Paper and poster proposals are now being accepted. Proposals addressing any aspect of international politics are welcome. Papers focused on the improvement of social science theory as it relates to international relations are encouraged, particularly but not exclusively quantitative research. Especially encouraged are papers dealing with international politics in the Asia-Pacific region, and/or by researchers based in the region. The deadline for submission is Thursday, 28 February 2019.

The conference will be hosted by Academia Sinica in Taipei. Taipei is the most prosperous city in Taiwan and famous for fantastic food and cultural sites. Academia Sinica, founded in 1928, enjoys a worldwide reputation for its research in science and humanities.

PIPC enforces a limit of one proposal per author. Authors may submit a proposal to present a single-authored paper and also appear as the non-corresponding author on a second paper. However, authors are limited to appear a maximum of two appearances on the program.

To submit your proposal, please click the link:

We hope that the Pacific International Politics Conference will continue to develop as a central forum for scientific researchers of IR in the Asia-Pacific region.

Pacific International Politics Conference
Steering Organizers
Erik Gartzke, University of California, San Diego
Ben Goldsmith, Australian National University
Koji Kagotani, Osaka University of Economics
Soo Yeon Kim, National University of Singapore
Local Organizers
Nien-Chung Chang Liao, Academia Sinica
Wen-Chin Wu, Academia Sinica