【会員からの投稿】 ISA 香港カンファレンスの Call-for-proposals のお知らせ
2016年6月25-27日に香港で行われるISA Asia-Pacific Conference 2016の発表論文、パネル、ラウンド・テーブルのプロポーザルの募集のお知らせです。締め切りは2015年12月1日です。詳細は、記事最後のリンクからISAのsubmissionページをご覧下さい。
ISA Asia-Pacific Conference 2016, Hong Kong
The rise to political and economic prominence of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and India, along with other members of the BRICS, has constituted a powerful challenge to the dominance of Western powers and ideas in world politics. However, both Asian superpowers – like Japan and the East Asian ‘Tiger’ economies before them – have as yet been unable to re-shape International Relations (IR) theory and practice. The rise of Asia more generally has led to a proliferation of national schools of IR (such as the Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Indian) which have attempted to challenge the hegemony of Western ideas and theories in the discipline yet have left the traditional ontology of IR intact. The region is also characterised by a complex of people-centred non-traditional insecurities and vulnerabilities including human insecurities, people movements, environmental degradation, the politics of identity and democratisation which together challenge orthodox state and market centric approaches to the study and practice of International Relations.
This conference, hosted by the Asia-Pacific Region of the International Studies Association, will investigate the ways in which IR (as both practice and theory) is being transformed in the Asia-Pacific.
In particular, we invite the submission of papers and panels on the following topics: the nature of global transformations in the Asia-Pacific; the rise of the BRICS and China and India in particular; regionalism and subregionalism; the impact of globalization on regional identity and inequality; traditional and non-traditional security threats in the Asia-Pacific; Bandung and the Non-Aligned Movement in historical perspective; regional perspectives on peacebuilding and on human security (including but not limited to the Responsibility to Protect); and regional histories, epistemologies and ontologies of IR with reference to attempts to go beyond Western IR theory.